SCA AGM Review
On 26th February 2021, the Scottish Cricketers Association held its latest AGM, for the first time however it was held virtually over Zoom. It was also the inaugural AGM for both the male and female members, with the women players in Scotland joining the SCA in 2020.
President, Ally Evans, updated the members on the latest developments, both domestically and globally, with the return of cricket hopefully round the corner. This was also the final act of his second stint as sitting President, with several board members coming to an end of their two-year term of office:
Ally Evans (President)
Calum Macleod (Vice-President)
Richie Berrington (Treasurer)
Kyle Coetzer (Secretary)
All four board members were unanimously voted back on the board. We would like to thank them for their commitment up to this point and their ongoing service to the SCA. It was also formally recognised that both Kenny Godsman and Jake Perry had joined the board. The former replacing Gavin Hamilton as General Manager.
The next piece of business was to get the members to vote on a purposed re-structuring of the board. With the growing demands and plans for the future of the SCA it was felt that reshaping the structure would lead to better governance and direction. The proposal was to create an Executive Board that was involved with the ‘day to day’ running of the SCA. This would report back to the wider board to direct the overall strategy and direction of the association. A change to the structure and the constitution was agreed to reflect this and was signed off by the members.

We are delighted to announce that Ally Evans was voted to remain as President and that Priyanaz Chatterji was elected to take on the role of Vice-President. Calum Macleod is staying on the board but in the capacity of player representation for the men, Jake Perry is taking up the same role for the women.
On being elected to the Executive Board and becoming Vice-President Priyanaz said, “It’s an honour to have been elected into these positions and I really value the opportunity to work alongside a great team of people who care deeply about cricket in Scotland. The SCA has an important role to play in ensuring the collective voice of Scotland’s international players is heard and I look forward to working not only alongside SCA board members, but also with governing bodies, to progress the game in Scotland.”
With the formalities finished and finalised, the AGM concluded with a presentation from The Transition Phase. The Transition Phase is a company that specialises in helping athletes to develop their skills away from sport, and when the time is right, move into careers after sport or help them balance duel careers. We would like to thank them for their time and we look forward to working with them more closely in the further.
The SCA Committee 2021:
President: Alasdair Evans
Vice-President: Priyanaz Chatterji
General Manager: Kenny Godsman
Treasurer: Ritchie Berrington
Secretary: Kyle Coetzer
Players Rep (Men): Calum Macleod
Players Rep (Women): Jake Perry
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